My husband and I were married on February 13, 2011, almost 2 1/2 years ago. Life was super hectic when we got married. My husband was working on a feature film (x-men) and I had just found out I was pregnant! We decided to take a minimoon (which is what we called it) to San Diego the days following our wedding. We stayed in the nicest suit at the hilton over looking the bay and had a really relaxing stay.
At our 2 year mark I couldn't get that honeymoon "itch" out of my mind. We plan on having our third baby sooner than later and we figured we should probably take this opportunity to go on our honeymoon now!
We looked at so many options but finally agreed on Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I think whenever you decide to travel you have certain key elements you are particularly looking for. Location and climate are the obvious first that come to mind. Playa del Carmen is on the eastern side of Mexico giving us the carribean climate we were looking for (well at least I was....being half Cuban and having traveled to Miami and Cuba many times I missed it!). Besides climate we were looking for a nice QUIET location with privacy. Playa del Carmen is south of Cancun (45 mins) so it doesn't have the hustle and bustle of a huge tourist town! And finally what sold us was, my husband is currently working on "The Voice" and could only take a specific number of days off , therefore were thrilled that we were still close enough to not ruin an entire day on travel.
As the days got closer to our trip I seriously started to get emotional about leaving the kids. Justin had been away with grandma on a Florida vacation before for two weeks without me prior but Kaylee's longest was 2 1/2 days away from me. If it weren't for the fact that my mom was taking care of them I don't know how I would ever leave them. My mom is a super hands on loving and VERY affectionate grandma so I always feel assured that they are getting that kind of love when I leave them.
Our flight left at midnight for LAX. We had a tiny layover in Mexico City and by 3pm we had landed in Cancun! Our driver was waiting for us outside and 45 mins later we had arrived at The Grand Sunset Princess Resort. As we pulled up we saw these huge white walls and the only color besides white was the blue sky and the bright green palm trees that surrounded the grand opening. Everything was outdoors. The check in lobby was all open there was not one room you entered. Since we were in the platinum suits we had a more private section for check in and was welcomed with cool towels to wipe our hands and face down and 2 glasses of champagne. It was seriously a dream. I have NEVER been to a resort like this in my life.
As we got to our room we got an unexpected surprise when we opened our door. Our balcony had a beach view, which we hadn't paid for but it looked like we had gotten bumped up from some elsese cancellation. We definitely were not complaining about it, it was beautiful. Our balcony had a hot tub and two lounge chairs and it was just perfect.
Everyday we were in paradise we basically did the same thing over and over again. Wake up order room service, change into our bathing suits and sit in our private section of the beach with our butler alllllllll day just soaking in the sun. What I love about the Caribbean is the beautiful bright blue water and how warm it its. Everyday the water was no cooler than 80 degrees and the shore goes on for ever you can basically be out 200 yards and still be able to touch the bottom of the ocean. Which in Los Angeles just doesn't happen it seems like it just keeps going and going forever. Then around 6ish we would pack up all our stuff and move our lazy butts to the pool where we would watch the sunset from the swim up bar and a cocktail in hand and discuss what and where we wanted to eat that night. We would then retreat to our room as soon as the sun was completely down , take quick showers get dressed and head on over to the restaurant of choice. After that we would have a few cocktails by the ocean and wait for the club to open and dance the night away.
This trip was exactly what we needed as two hard working parents living a hectic life. My husband works 7 days a week some weeks and 12 hour days almost everyday. He wakes up so early and works so hard to give our family everything we have. I couldn't imagine anyone else who deserved this trip more than he did. For myself I would say I needed to just get away from my everyday as well. Being a stay at home mother is my favorite job in the world but I needed a breather to just be myself without worrying about two other monkeys. I was so grateful we got to be with each other without interruptions from the kids. Its hard to talk to realllly communicate with each other after the kids are asleep because we are each tired from our lives. This gave us endless time to just talk, about anything while enjoying each other.
But as always any parent cant be away from there babies that long and I definitely missed them so much. By the end of the trip I couldn't wait to get back home and snuggle with them allllll day.